Back Changes for tenants and property owners: Preview 2023

The new year has many relevant changes to do with real estate, which we would like to summarize for you as follows:

Observe the property tax deadline

The property tax return will also continue to occupy the owners in 2023. After there was considerable protest against the short submission deadlines and the user-hostile operation of the electronic Elster portal was criticized, the deadlines were extended once until the end of January 2023.

CO2 control

From January 1, 2023, the CO2 tax will be reduced for tenants. If this was previously paid by the tenant, the landlord is now involved. The energy balance of the building is taken into account here. The better the energy balance, the more the tax portion to be borne by the landlord is reduced. In the case of buildings with a good energy balance, the tenants bear 100% of the costs. However, if the energy balance is very bad, this can mean that the landlord has to bear 95 percent of the CO2 costs.

increase in depreciation; Change in the KfW programs

The depreciation option (AfA) will be increased to 1 percent from January 3st for rented new buildings. This investment incentive is intended to create incentives for new housing construction. The depreciation period is 33 years instead of 50 years.

In addition, KfW programs to promote new buildings are being relaunched. Due to delays, the introduction of the new programs will probably be delayed until March. Until then, the old programs are valid.

housing benefit

Another component of the support for low earners is the housing benefit reform. With the introduction of "Wohngeld Plus" it is planned to support another two million citizens financially. On average, the housing benefit increases by 190 euros and thus rises to 370 euros.

Photovoltaic promotion

The Renewable Energy Sources Act brings with it regulations that make sustainable photovoltaic systems an interesting investment. In addition to promoting these systems, there is relief in the possibility of setting them up, for example in the garden. In addition, higher remuneration rates are planned for these systems and a simpler grid connection is guaranteed.

gas price brake

The gas price brake will apply on March 1, 2023 and takes the respective type of heating into account. It is valid until April 30, 2024. The legislator is considering being able to make retrospective adjustments until January 1, 2023. The gas price brake is based on 80% of the expected annual consumption in the reference month of September 2022. A maximum of 12 cents per kilowatt hour may be charged for gas and 9,5 cents per kilowatt hour for district heating. These are gross values.

Hydraulic balancing

In buildings with a heating surface of more than 1.000 square meters or with more than 10 residential units, the gas heating must be hydraulically balanced by September 23, 2023. In the case of residential buildings with at least six apartments, the hydronic balancing can be carried out until September 15, 2024.

Second heating subsidy is coming

A further heating subsidy is planned. The amount of the subsidy varies depending on the number of people and the entitlement to housing benefit. A two-person household that is also entitled to housing benefit can expect a subsidy of EUR 540,00.

Property valuations, inheritance tax, real estate transfer tax

Due to the legal tightening of the valuation of real estate, the tax burden with regard to inheritance tax and gift tax increases for many of those affected.

In addition, Saxony and Hamburg are increasing the real estate transfer tax. In Saxony there is a significant increase from 3,5 percent to 5,5 percent. This now corresponds to the national average. Hamburg also increased by one percentage point from 4,5 percent to 5,5.


  • Summary

In 2023, numerous changes will come into force that will affect various properties, owners, landlords and builders. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the legal changes at an early stage. We are happy to offer you our expertise as a long-standing property manager. Contact us at any time!

MWW Outlook 2023


Aerial view of small european city with city streets and residential buildings. Katy Wroclawskie panoramic cityscape

by Dagmar Klemig
16 / January / 2023

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