Worth learning

For tenants, owner-occupiers or investors, there is something worth knowing and informative about topics from the real estate industry. We bring light into the darkness of the technical jargon for you and let you share in our competence.

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The WEG administrator – the backbone of a condominium community

MWW WEG administrator

It's already late in the evening. The WEG manager is on the way home - exhausted after a day at work, on…

The technical real estate manager - expert for the technical and infrastructural control of your real estate

MWW Blog Job Description Technical Administrator

The Society for Real Estate Research defines the tasks of real estate management as follows: “Property management is the performance-oriented management of a property…

Changes for tenants and property owners: Preview 2023

MWW Outlook 2023


Aerial view of small european city with city streets and residential buildings. Katy Wroclawskie panoramic cityscape

The new year has many relevant changes in store for real estate, which we would like to summarize for you as follows:…

The Academy of the MWW

MWW Academy of MWW AG 1

Professionalization through further training MWW AG stands for continuous progress in property management, which is becoming ever more complex. With this complexity...

Preemptive tenants do not have to pay a higher price

MWW right of first refusal tenants

The right of first refusal If the apartments in a rental building are converted into condominiums in order to then sell the apartments individually, the people who live there have…

EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Economic Activities

On January 01st, 2022, the EU taxonomy regulation for ESG regulation came into force. This set of rules is intended to make the sustainability of investments measurable...

Heating, hot water, electricity: energy-saving tips

MWW energy saving tips

Electricity and gas prices on the wholesale markets have fluctuated sharply, particularly since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. And almost every day...

Rent index reform - More requirements for rent increases

rent index reform

On July 1, 2022, the law to reform the rent index law will come into force. This will result in a rent index obligation for…

Bundestag has decided heating cost subsidy

MWW heating allowance

In view of the sharp rise in energy prices, the Bundestag decided on March 17.3.2022, XNUMX to double the heating cost subsidy. For recipients of housing benefit,…