Worth learning

For tenants, owner-occupiers or investors, there is something worth knowing and informative about topics from the real estate industry. We bring light into the darkness of the technical jargon for you and let you share in our competence.

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Can the landlord forbid keeping pets?

Pets in the rental unsplash

Pets in the rented apartment: Can the landlord forbid keeping pets? This depends on the size and type of…

Housing allowance or operating costs?

The difference between house money and running costs

Housing allowance and operating costs: the terms are often confused. We bring in some clarity. Good to know for renters, owners or…

Rent or buy an apartment?

Buy or rent an apartment? Those are the pros and cons.

For many people, real estate is considered a solid investment, especially when it comes to securing wealth in old age. Added to this are the constantly rising rental prices in recent years. Should you rather rent or buy an apartment? Many people ask themselves this question.

The "Perfect Tenant"

perfect tenant

Anyone who has been looking for a suitable apartment in recent years knows that apartment hunting…