Worth learning

For tenants, owner-occupiers or investors, there is something worth knowing and informative about topics from the real estate industry. We bring light into the darkness of the technical jargon for you and let you share in our competence.

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EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Economic Activities

On January 01st, 2022, the EU taxonomy regulation for ESG regulation came into force. This set of rules is intended to make the sustainability of investments measurable...

Rent index reform - More requirements for rent increases

rent index reform

On July 1, 2022, the law to reform the rent index law will come into force. This will result in a rent index obligation for…

The new property tax

The new property tax

Revaluation of all land and real estate Triggered by a judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court of April 10, 2018 (Az.: BvL 11/14, 1 BvR...

Census: 2022 census

Census 2022 - nationwide data collection

Census 2022: nationwide collection of new data The census serves as an important planning and decision-making basis for politics, administration and business. Basis…